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even after dark

I strip down

expose my parts

ink drawings - 

I'm a girl

red lights laugh

the radio approves



in my frame

a window still - 

to capture my brain

rearrange the clothes

to find what's yours

but it's just a robe

it's just a robe


can you identify me?

the Other calls my name

can you identify me? - 'cause

I...  am not...  the same...



by the hour

I look out

to the witches tower

messages conflict

I'm so confused

what do they want?

what am I to do?


can you identify me?

my mother calls my name

can you identify?

I'm so glad you came.


dress drawn - 

             on a page

no features, and no face

Mom hands me the Red.

"let's color her pretty dress"

Mom hands me the Black.

her dark hair dances down her back


can you identify me?

can you identify me?


the dresser drawer beside

her figure flies out a bird of night

came in 1995

Mom's not worried, why am I?

Mom's not worried, why am I?


can you identify me?

I scarcely know my name.

can you identify me?

But she stays all the same...

please, do you know my name?

please, do you know my name?

please, do you know my name?

the bracelet's wrong again..."


- "Disorganized" (2012) by Kelly Alexandra Hoff

Disorganized: List

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