“Caucasian firefly
Flying around a white world
Drugs and drugs and drugs and -
Carrying sentiments
Sometimes no one wants to think of
Wants to fly past the lights
Under the dark blue sky
Hot air
Gold stare
Gold stares-
Staring back.
At firefly
Wants free in the air
Nature’s faire
A firefly
Whisk on by
North to South
Wonder why-
She feels uprooted-
Moon and stars and all manner of cars
Trucks and radios-
And gas stations fares-
Waiting- for her man to come-
Me, a firefly
Not so faire-
But beautiful-
in my own way-
I wait and stare-
through my glass-
Trapped at home
Under a glass sky-
Under a starry glass sky-
Wondering why-?
Longing to fly-
Longing to fly-
Waiting for my man-
black & white-
rainbow firefly.
Caucasian fairy-
Wants a home.
Caucasian fairy-
Wants to roam-
Fly away-
Fly far off-
Find a good man & good place to stay..
Texas nights
under the dark, glass sky-
so high,-
So high.
Miss you baby.
Miss you my good man.
Caucasian fairy-
Oh so sad-
Waisting away-
Missing her man…
Glassy noel
Fields a blue-
In the sky overhead.
Missing my man..
Missing my man..
Missing my man…
White billowy world
Accept a girl?
A little boy-girl
A little androgyne-
Sprite in white
and red
little nymph in black.
Walking my way back-
Walking my way back..
to my man..
to my man..
one day, one day-
we’ll be together
In this world again…”
“I love you, baby. my blue-eyed man..
My missouri man..
My missouri man..
when you come home?.”
April 27, 2023.
“Caucasian Firefly”
