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Winstrol dosage for females, räcker 3 månaders uppehåll mellan dianabol kurer

Winstrol dosage for females, räcker 3 månaders uppehåll mellan dianabol kurer - Steroider till salu

Winstrol dosage for females

Räcker 3 månaders uppehåll mellan dianabol kurer

Winstrol dosage for females

Stanozolol is also one of the few compounds that women can take safely, as it´s anabolic:androgenic ratio is quite skewed towards anabolism. It´s generally accepted that women can tolerate around 5-10mgs a day of this compound. Thus, it isn’t even advisable for a beginner female to take Winstrol at all and should start with 5 – 10mg of Anavar per day. Men’s Dosage (Min/Max) Women’s Dosage (Min/Max) Performance Enhancement: 20mg/40mg: 2. 5mg/5mg: Cutting: 30mg/50mg: 5mg/7. 5mg: Bulking: 50mg/100mg: 10mg/20mg.

Räcker 3 månaders uppehåll mellan dianabol kurer

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