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Gabriel Gomez

The Best Source of Islamic Inspiration: Sahaba Ke Kisse in Urdu PDF Free Download

Sahaba Ke Kisse: The Stories of the Companions of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in Urdu PDF Format

If you are looking for a source of Islamic inspiration and guidance, you should read the stories of the sahaba, the companions of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). These are the people who witnessed the revelation of the Quran, supported the Prophet (PBUH) in his mission, and sacrificed their lives for the sake of Islam. They are the best examples of faith, piety, courage, generosity, and wisdom.

sahaba ke kisse in urdu pdf free

But where can you find these stories in Urdu language? And how can you download them for free in PDF format? In this article, we will answer these questions and provide you with some links to download sahaba ke kisse in Urdu PDF for free.

What are sahaba ke kisse?

Sahaba ke kisse are stories or anecdotes about the sahaba, the companions of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The word sahaba means "companions" or "friends" in Arabic, and it refers to those who believed in the Prophet (PBUH) and followed him during his lifetime. The sahaba are considered to be the best generation of Muslims, as they witnessed the revelation of the Quran and learned directly from the Prophet (PBUH).

The stories of the sahaba are narrated in various sources, such as the Quran, the hadith (sayings and actions of the Prophet PBUH), the sirah (biography of the Prophet PBUH), and the history books. These stories highlight the virtues, achievements, struggles, and sacrifices of the sahaba. They also show how they applied the teachings of Islam in their daily lives and how they dealt with different situations and challenges.

Reading sahaba ke kisse can help us to learn from their examples and to increase our love and respect for them. It can also motivate us to follow their footsteps and to strive for excellence in our faith and deeds.

Where can you find sahaba ke kisse in Urdu PDF for free?

There are many books and websites that offer sahaba ke kisse in Urdu language. However, not all of them are reliable or authentic. Some may contain errors, fabrications, or exaggerations. Therefore, it is important to check the sources and references of any book or website before reading or downloading it.

One of the most famous and authentic books on sahaba ke kisse is Hayat Us Sahaba by Shaykh Muhammad Yusuf Kandhelvi (r.a). This book is a collection of stories and incidents from the lives of more than 200 sahaba. It is based on authentic sources and references, such as the Quran, the hadith, and the history books. It is also written in a simple and engaging style that appeals to readers of all ages and backgrounds.

You can download Hayat Us Sahaba in Urdu PDF for free from this link. This is a scanned copy of the original book that was uploaded by ISLAMIC-BOOKS-LIBRARY on You can also read it online or borrow it from

Another good book on sahaba ke kisse is Sahaba ra Kay Waqiat by Maulana Muhammad Haneef Abdul Majeed Sahib. This book is a translation and summary of a famous Arabic book called Suwar Min Hayat As-Sahaba by Dr. Abdur Rahman Ra'fat Al-Basha. It contains stories and events from the lives of 60 sahaba. It is also based on authentic sources and references.

You can download Sahaba ra Kay Waqiat in Urdu PDF for free from this link. This is also a scanned copy of the original book that was uploaded by ISLAMIC-BOOKS-LIBRARY on You can also read it online or borrow it from

How to read sahaba ke kisse in Urdu PDF?

Once you have downloaded sahaba ke kisse in Urdu PDF for free, you can read them on your computer or mobile device using any PDF reader application. You can also print them out if you prefer to read them on paper.

However, reading sahaba ke k

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What are the benefits of reading sahaba ke kisse in Urdu PDF?

Reading sahaba ke kisse in Urdu PDF has many benefits for Muslims. Some of them are:

  • It increases our knowledge and understanding of Islam and its teachings. We can learn about the Quran, the hadith, the sirah, and the history of Islam from the stories of the sahaba.

  • It strengthens our faith and iman. We can witness the miracles and signs of Allah that happened to the sahaba. We can also see how they trusted and relied on Allah in every situation.

  • It inspires us to follow their example and to emulate their qualities. We can admire their courage, patience, honesty, generosity, wisdom, and loyalty. We can also learn from their mistakes and repentance.

  • It connects us to the Prophet (PBUH) and his companions. We can feel closer to them and love them more. We can also hope for their intercession and companionship in the hereafter.

How to make the most of reading sahaba ke kisse in Urdu PDF?

To make the most of reading sahaba ke kisse in Urdu PDF, we should do the following:

  • We should read them with sincerity and humility. We should not read them for entertainment or curiosity only. We should read them to seek guidance and blessings from Allah.

  • We should read them with attention and reflection. We should not read them hastily or superficially. We should read them carefully and try to understand their meanings and lessons.

  • We should read them with respect and admiration. We should not read them with criticism or arrogance. We should read them with love and reverence for the sahaba.

  • We should read them with action and application. We should not read them without any impact or change. We should read them with the intention of improving ourselves and following their example.

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Which sahaba are mentioned in sahaba ke kisse in Urdu PDF?

The sahaba ke kisse in Urdu PDF cover a wide range of sahaba from different backgrounds, regions, and roles. Some of them are:

  • The four rightly guided caliphs: Abu Bakr (r.a), Umar (r.a), Uthman (r.a), and Ali (r.a). They were the closest friends and successors of the Prophet (PBUH) and led the Muslim community after his death.

  • The ten promised paradise: Abu Bakr (r.a), Umar (r.a), Uthman (r.a), Ali (r.a), Talha (r.a), Zubair (r.a), Abdur Rahman ibn Awf (r.a), Saad ibn Abi Waqqas (r.a), Saeed ibn Zaid (r.a), and Abu Ubaidah ibn Al-Jarrah (r.a). They were given the glad tidings of paradise by the Prophet (PBUH) in this world.

  • The female companions: Khadija (r.a), Aisha (r.a), Hafsa (r.a), Umm Salamah (r.a), Fatima (r.a), Zainab bint Jahsh (r.a), Asma bint Abu Bakr (r.a), Umm Ayman (r.a), Sumayya bint Khayyat (r.a), and many others. They were the wives, daughters, sisters, and mothers of the Prophet (PBUH) and the sahaba. They were also scholars, teachers, warriors, and leaders.

  • The scribes of the Quran: Zaid ibn Thabit (r.a), Abdullah ibn Masud (r.a), Ubayy ibn Kaab (r.a), Muawiyah ibn Abi Sufyan (r.a), and others. They were the ones who wrote down the verses of the Quran as they were revealed to the Prophet (PBUH) and compiled them into a book.

  • The martyrs of Islam: Hamza ibn Abdul Muttalib (r.a), Musab ibn Umair (r.a), Ammar ibn Yasir (r.a), Bilal ibn Rabah (r.a), Khabbab ibn Al-Arat (r.a), Jaafar ibn Abi Talib (r.a), and many others. They were the ones who gave their lives for the sake of Allah and Islam in various battles and persecutions.

What are some examples of sahaba ke kisse in Urdu PDF?

Here are some examples of sahaba ke kisse in Urdu PDF that you can read and enjoy:

  • The story of Abu Bakr's loyalty to the Prophet (PBUH) during the migration to Madinah. He accompanied him in the cave of Thawr and protected him from the enemies. He also spent all his wealth for the sake of Islam.

  • The story of Umar's conversion to Islam. He was a fierce enemy of Islam who wanted to kill the Prophet (PBUH). But when he heard the verses of Surah Ta-Ha from his sister's house, he was moved by their beauty and accepted Islam.

  • The story of Uthman's generosity to Islam. He was a wealthy businessman who donated his money for various causes of Islam. He bought a well for the Muslims in Madinah, equipped an army for Tabuk, and purchased copies of the Quran for distribution.

  • The story of Ali's bravery in Islam. He was a young cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet (PBUH) who fought bravely in many battles. He also slept in the Prophet's bed on the night of migration to save him from assassination.

  • The story of Khadija's support to the Prophet (PBUH). She was the first wife and believer of the Prophet (PBUH) who comforted him when he received his first revelation. She also spent her wealth and endured hardships for Islam.

The story of Aisha's knowledge and intelligence in Islam. She was a young wife and scholar of the Prophet

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How to share sahaba ke kisse in Urdu PDF with others?

Reading sahaba ke kisse in Urdu PDF is not only beneficial for ourselves, but also for others. We can share these stories with our family, friends, and community to spread the knowledge and wisdom of the sahaba. Here are some ways to share sahaba ke kisse in Urdu PDF with others:

  • We can send them the links or files of sahaba ke kisse in Urdu PDF via email, WhatsApp, Telegram, or other platforms. We can also encourage them to download and read them.

  • We can print out copies of sahaba ke kisse in Urdu PDF and distribute them to mosques, schools, libraries, or other places. We can also donate them to Islamic organizations or charities.

  • We can read sahaba ke kisse in Urdu PDF aloud to our children, siblings, parents, or grandparents. We can also discuss the stories and lessons with them and ask them questions.

  • We can organize study circles or book clubs with our friends or neighbors to read and learn from sahaba ke kisse in Urdu PDF. We can also invite a scholar or an expert to explain and elaborate on the stories.

  • We can write reviews or summaries of sahaba ke kisse in Urdu PDF on our blogs, websites, or social media accounts. We can also share our reflections and insights on the stories and how they relate to our lives.


Sahaba ke kisse in Urdu PDF are stories of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) that can inspire and guide us in our faith and deeds. They are based on authentic sources and references and are available for free download from various websites. We can benefit from reading sahaba ke kisse in Urdu PDF by increasing our knowledge, strengthening our faith, following their example, and connecting to them. We can also share sahaba ke kisse in Urdu PDF with others to spread the light and wisdom of the sahaba.


Sahaba ke kisse in Urdu PDF are stories of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) that can inspire and guide us in our faith and deeds. They are based on authentic sources and references and are available for free download from various websites. We can benefit from reading sahaba ke kisse in Urdu PDF by increasing our knowledge, strengthening our faith, following their example, and connecting to them. We can also share sahaba ke kisse in Urdu PDF with others to spread the light and wisdom of the sahaba. b99f773239


discussion about poetry by Kelly Alexandra Hoff.


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