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Gabriel Gomez

Northwind Db Script

Before you can use the Northwind database, you have to run the downloaded instnwnd.sql script file to recreate the database on an instance of SQL Server by using SQL Server Management Studio or a similar tool. Follow the instructions in the Readme file in the repository.

northwind db script

The Northwind SQL scripts reside in the share folder of your YugabyteDB or client shell installation. They can also be found in the sample directory of the YugabyteDB GitHub repository. The following files will be used for this exercise:

Download northwind SQL database script if you haven't done so.Use SQLyog to restore northwind in MySQLSQLyog free Community Edition is a MySQL query analyzing tool. Its functionalities are very similar to those in Microsoft SQL Server Query Analyzer. When I first started to use MySQL server five years ago, I used command based SQL for variousdatabase operations on Windows and that was not fun. At that time, Microsoft SQL Server Query Analyzer was already a popular client tool which I hopedthere was a similar one for MySQL. I searched and tried a few client tools for MySQL and finally settled down with SQLyog.Step #1: Unzip the downloaded to your Desptop.After unzip, northwind.sql normally is in this directory C:\Documents and Settings\Desktop\northwind\northwind.sqlStep #2: Open and log into SQLyog.Step #3: On the menu bar across the top, click Tools -> Restore From SQL Dump...Step #4: When the restore window is opened, select northwind.sql from the unzipped file on your Desktop.Step #5: Click Execute to restored from the dump.Things to note when restoring northwind1. The restore works on MySQL version 5.0 or greater because I included character set and collation information in varchar and text columns.2. If you have already got northwind database set up in your mysql server, you need to remove it before restore this downloaded one.

Next page shows the generated Northwind database schema. It was automatically generated by SQLyog.Copyright GeeksEngine.comInside This Article1. Export Northwind Access database to MySQL via ODBC2. Make northwind a true relational database in MySQL3. Restore northwind database from SQL dump 4. Northwind database schema5. Implement file directory based image managementRelated Articles:1.Steps to install PHP 5.x on Windows as a development machine2.How to install Apache 2.x web server on Windows3.How to connect two different versions of MySQL server on the same computer4.How to configure MySQL server 5.1 on Windows5.How to install MySQL server 5.1 on Windows with screenshots6.Five ways to create include path for PHP7.How to use Date and Time data as integer value in PHP and MySQL8.How to use Apache Virtual Host to run multiple local websites on Windows9.Install all PEAR packages by yourself10.How to install PEAR on Windows11.How to use PHP and Microsoft SMTP Virtual Server to send emails12.How to install PHP server-side scripting language on Windows13.How to install Apache 1.3 web server on Windows14.How to install two different versions of MySQL server on the same PC15.How to configure MySQL server 4.1 on Windows16.How to install MySQL server 4.1 on Windows with screenshots17.Export Northwind Access database to MySQL via ODBCOther Recent Articles from the Database SQL category:1.Get single records when duplicate records exist2.Find duplicate values or non-duplicate values in a table3.How to get Top 1 record from Oracle by using PL/SQL4.How to get Top N rows from Oracle by using SQL5.How the data types in Access Northwind are converted to Oracle6.How to do cross table update in Oracle7.Export Northwind Access database to MySQL via ODBCCopyright 2023 All Rights Reserved.

In a previous tip on SQL Script GenerationProgrammatically with SMO, you've seen how you can use SMO to generate SQL scriptsprogrammatically. In this tip I will cover how to generate scripts using WindowsPowerShell.

SQL scripting in SMO is controlled either by theScripter object and its child objects, or the Script methodon individual objects as highlighted in theprevious tip. We will be using thesame approaches to generate SQL scripts using Windows PowerShell.

Similar to what we have done in previous Windows PowerShell tips with SQL Server,we will create an instance of the Server object and connect toit. And as I've always mentioned in all the previous Windows PowerShell tips I'vewritten, the only aspect of the code that we will change from the scripts in theprevious tips is the last line, i.e. adding new properties or methods for the newobjects we will be working with, highlighting the power and simplicity of WindowsPowerShell. In this particular example, we just introduced the Script()method from the database object collection, selecting the Northwindas the target database.

That's about it. The Script() method will generate the SQL scriptfor creating the Northwind database - all in a single line of code. Of course, thiswould not mean anything at all to us until we send the output to a script file.We can then pipe the results of calling the Script() method toa file using theOut-File cmdlet as we did in anotherprevious tip.

Notice that I have done three things here. First, I have included the carriagereturn symbol - `r - just so I can display the results properly.The Script() method returns a StringCollection where each stringin the collection contains one of the statements generated by the script. Second,I have appended the GO statement to treat each CREATE TABLEstatement as a batch. Since the Script() method will generateCREATE TABLE statements, it wouldn't be much of an issue even without the GO statement.But if it will generate scripts for other database objects, like views and storedprocedures, you definitely need to include a GO statement to treat the individualCREATE statements as a batch. And third, I used the -Append parameterof the Out-File cmdlet to append the output of the Script() methodto the existing file.

Since we're already generating scripts for table creation, we might as well generatethe scripts for the corresponding indexes within tables. We just need to iteratethru the Indexes collection, again calling the Script() method and appending theresults in the output file

Another option to generate SQL scripts is by using the Scripter object. TheScripter object is the overall, top-level object for managing scripting operationsin SQL Server. As it is a full blown object, it has a lot more capabilities thanthe Script() method. For example, it has the ability to discover relationships betweenobjects and provide you with more scripting options similar to using SQL ServerManagement Studio.

Where $s is an instance of the Server object we have previouslydefined. Once we have defined Scripter object, we can then specify the differentOptions property. These properties define how the Scripter object will generatethe SQL script. Below are some of the options I took from SQL Server ManagementStudio as an example.

The key property here is the WithDependencies property as youcan then generate scripts for all other objects, such as views and stored procedures,that are dependent on the object that you want to script out. Unlike when simplyusing the Script() method where we need to explicitly call all the other objectcollections to generate the corresponding scripts, this property tells the Scripterobject to simply look at the relationships and object dependencies as the basisfor generating the script.

I want to thank you for taking the effort to write this article. I had a litle trouble with one of the scripts too but it helped me dig into the code and figure out what was going on. I added a few bells and whistles and had a great time doing it. I'm going to blog it but I'd like to credit your post too. Once I get it ready you can, if you wish, view the reference here:

I totally agree with you. Learning Windows PowerShell is not as easy as it seems as you have to deal with a ton of .NET-related objects. Which is why MSSQLTips is here to make the learning process a bit easier than doing it on your own. But it's like learning how to walk - it's hard to start but you have to. Microsoft is defining the next wave of server products to include manageability using PowerShell (they've already started out in Exchange 2007) so learning PowerShell will enable any administrator to write scripts that can manage just about any Microsoft server product, not just SQL Server. And since SQL Server 2005 and higher has been built on top of the .NET Framework with SMO, you can take advantage of the exposed APIs to administer SQL Server by using PowerShell

BTW, if you are looking for a nice IDE for writing PowerShell scripts, check out PowerGUI from Quest Software. It's a free IDE and script editor for Windows PowerShell that enables you to do stuff such as debug your scripts.

Not practical. Spending the time to learn Power Script, you could have had it done in T-SQL. This script has no particular rules. It is not practical to script for a new task. You will be spending weeks to find out how to write something and without a debugger to help.

I copied the exact same script and it worked perfectly fine. Check that you have the Northwind database created in your SQL Server instance. You also need to check your instance name in Line 4 and make sure that you have the correct folders and path in lines 7 and 21

The Northwind and Pubs sample databases are staples of other sample code on this and other development websites. They are used in countless tutorials and walkthroughs published by Microsoft and others. Being a SQL/SQL Server newbie myself, I figured there may be others in my boat who might want both databases in an easily-accessible spot, and an easier, less error-prone way of installing them into SQL Server 2005 Express Edition than, say, running SQL query scripts. 041b061a72


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